Bob Saves the Day Again

I had been kayaking for about a year and Leanne had just started…she had a new demo kayak that she was testing down the Tatshenshini. In the middle of the Big C she flipped and wasn’t able to roll and ended up swimming… the river level was very high. I caught up with her just at the bottom of the Big C and started trying to tow her river right so we could make the large eddy above twin holes… she would not let go of the new boat. I said “You have to let go of that boat!” She replied “No”. I said: “LET GO OF MY BOAT” then… I did not want to be pulled in with her and the boat into Twin Holes. She let go and floated away and I could see she was not happy!! 🙂 Just then Bob guided the raft he was in, spun it around backward, and reached in and rescued Leanne… pulling her into the raft just above Twin Holes and then he ran the rapid backward!! After we collected the kayak, Leanne and Bob laughed hard about how I abandoned Leanne and how Bob saved the Day.

To this day this still comes up “Yeah like the time you ditched me on the Tatshenshini and Bob saved me from that beating in Twin Holes!!” 😀

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